Monday 10 September 2007

Online Shopping

Online Shopping
Online shopping is a way of a business providing customers with a service without leaving their house, by using the internet.

They use a flow chart like the one below to send the custemers their products that they have ordered online.
Price: items are usually cheaper on the Web because warehouse and staff costs are lower, and because online shops want to attract and keep customers.
Convenience: shopping can be much easier on the internet. It can be done at home, at a convenient time and be very quick.
Wide choice: internet shopping allows you access to a wide range of shops all around the world, some of which don't exist on the high street. Online shops also usually carry a much larger stock.
Quick delivery: most internet sites are able to deliver within a few days.

Delivery: many sites still use traditional carriers and don't deliver at night or at weekends. Often you end up having to go and collect from a depot.
Costs and returns: adding up transport and, if buying from outside the European Community, tax and duty, can often mean an item isn't as cheap as it seems. Returning a purchase often means having to parcel it up and take it down to the post office.
Cost of using the internet: although online access is getting cheaper, many internet providers still charge per minute. Browsing around a wide range of shops can take as long as a traditional shopping visit, so beware.
Buying more: because everything is at the click of a mouse, it's very easy to buy and spend more then you intended to.